• US Midterm Review


    Foundations Unit


    Limited Government

    Magna Carta

    English Bill of Rights

    European Enlightenment





    Colonial Experiences

    Mayflower Compact

    Virginia House of Burgesses

    Salem Witch Trials

    Peter Zenger Court Case

    Albany Plan of Union

    French and Indian War

    Salutary Neglect


    Triangle Slave Trade

    Proclamation Line of 1763

    Sugar Act

    Stamp Act

    Stamp Act Congress

    Townsend Act

    Tea Act

    The Intolerable Acts

    Common Sense

    The Declaration of Independence

    The Articles of Confederation

    State v. National Power

    Shay’s Rebellion


    The U.S. Constitution


    The Preamble “We the People”

    Great Compromise- Bi- Cameral Legislature

    3/5 Compromise

    Slave Trade Compromise

    Separation of Powers

    Amendment Process

    Judicial, Legislative and Executive Branches


    Checks and Balances


    Reserved, Concurrent and Delegated Powers

    The Electoral College

    Federalists and Anti- Federalist

    The Federalist Papers

    Founding Fathers- Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton

    The Ratification Debate

    The Bill of Rights

    Freedom of Expression

    Protections from Illegal Searches and Seizures

    Habeas Corpus Protection


    Early Challenges


    Washington’s Cabinet

    Unwritten Constitution


    The Whiskey Rebellion

    The National Bank

    Strict and Loose Constructionists

    The Elastic Clause

    Washington’s Farewell Address

    The XYZ Affair

    The Alien and Sedition Acts

    The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    The Louisiana Purchase

    Marbury v Madison- Judicial Review

    The Embargo Acts

    The War of 1812

    The Marshall Courts

    The Era of Good Feelings

    The Monroe Doctrine

    The Missouri Compromise

    Jacksonian Democracy

    Indian Removal Act

    Seneca Falls Convention

    Women’s Suffrage




    Civil War Causes and Results



    The Nullification Crisis

    The Gag Rule


    Manifest Destiny

    Annexing Texas

    The Mexican War

    The Compromise of 1850

    Popular Sovereignty

    Bleeding Kansas

    The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Dred Scott Case

    Lincoln v. Douglas 1858

    The Election of 1860

    The Massachusetts 54th

    Emancipation Proclamation

    Ex Parte Merriman

    Ex Parte Milligan


    Wade Davis Plan

    1/10th Loyalty Oath

    Andrew Johnson v Radical Republicans

    Black Codes

    Reconstruction Amendments

    Jim Crow Laws


    Compromise of 1877

    Plessy v Ferguson

    Voting Restrictions


    Industrialization and Urbanization


    Homestead Act

    Pacific Railway Act

    Dawes Act

    Surrender of Chief Joseph

    Helen Hunt Jackson

    Trans- Continental Railroad

    Steam Engine

    Telegraph and Telephone


    Free Enterprise

    Gilded Age

    Captains of Industry

    Robber Barons

    Morgan, Carnegie Rockefeller

    Standard of Living


    Pools, Trusts, Holding Companies

    Vertical and Horizontal Integration


    “Gospel of Wealth”


    Horatio Alger “Rags to Riches”

    Social Darwinism

    Political Bosses- Tammany Hall

    Boss Tweed vs Thomas Nast


Last Modified on January 15, 2019