Around Lenape

  •  Students holding their winning artwork with teachers

    Grade 4 Students Excel at Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling Contest

    Grade 4 students from Trina Naclerio’s class created posters to inspire others to take action and protect our planet and participated in a NYSAR3 contest. Click to learn more!

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  • Students posing under a slideshow

    Lenape Students Explore Ancient Civilizations

    Melissa Feldman, Jenna Russolello, and Amy Chapman's Grade 5 students from Lenape Elementary wowed with their Ancient Civilization Presentations on June 20. From the mysteries of the Inca to the wonders of the Aztec and Maya civilizations, each room was a fascinating journey through time.

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  • students holding eggs from above

    Egg Drop Challenge

    Click to learn all about Traci Miranda and Daniel Monheit's egg drop challenge!

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  •  students with Lenape Elementary School tshirts on

    Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony

    Lenape Elementary School's Grade 5 students were on the move today! School administrators, staff, and family members joined the “graduates” at a Moving Up ceremony to mark the end of the students’ time at Lenape. Congratulations to all the students on this milestone achievement! We look forward to seeing you in the halls of the Middle School in September.  A heartfelt thank you to all the teachers and administrators for their dedication and hard work!

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  •  Student in costume with American flag

    Students Transport Audiences to America’s Colonial Period

    Grade 4 students took audiences on a trip back in time with their incredible production, "Liberty’s Path: The Journey Through America’s Colonial Period." Click to learn more!

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  •  students at class carnival

    Grade 3 Class Carnival

    The students in Ellen Makow's class designed fun and fantastic games for their Class Carnival last week. Click to learn more!

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  • student posing in front of a wall of artwork

    End of Year Art Show

    Lenape Elementary hosted an amazing art show. The hallways were transformed into a stunning gallery walk, showcasing incredible artwork from our talented students in Grades 3, 4, and 5, spanning multiple mediums. A huge thank you to our fantastic PTA for providing delicious snacks and to the wonderful Morgan Profaci for making the evening truly unforgettable.

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  •  students performing a play

    Grade 3 Students Present "Goodnight Princess"

    Ellen Makow's Grade 3 class recently dazzled friends and family with their performance of "Goodnight Princess - Sleepless in Fairytale Land" by D.M. Larson. The enchanting story follows Princess Nara, who struggles to get some sleep. Along the way, she's visited by a host of whimsical characters from Fairytale Land, each offering their unique advice. The hero of the night? Rip Van Winkle, who comes to the rescue and saves the day!

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  •  student playing french horn

    Spring Concert

    The talented Lenape Elementary School bands and choruses are gearing up for an unforgettable Spring Concert this week.

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  • students sitting outside in a circle

    Grade 3 Students Observe Caterpillars Transform into Butterflies

    Linda Sinforoso and Joanna Wilcox’s Grade 3 class embarked on an amazing journey, caring for caterpillars and witnessing their magical transformation into butterflies! The students documented every step, capturing the beauty and wonder in their writings and drawings. When the time came to set the butterflies free, students observed the delicate creatures up close, adding another layer to their awesome experience.

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  • Students looking at a snapping turtle in the garden

    A Special Guest in the Lenape Elementary Garden

    A mama snapping turtle has been spotted in the garden mulch pile at Lenape Elementary School! It's nesting season for these amazing creatures, which also happen to be the official state reptile of New York! Snapping turtles usually hang out in lakes and ponds, but in June, the females come out to nest.

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  • Class listening to speaker

    Residency with Storyteller Alicia Quintano

    Grade 3 students were recently treated to an engaging residency with storyteller Alicia Quintano. Click to learn more!

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  • Students looking at stream sample

    Grade 3 Students Visit Mohonk Preserve

    Tina Harris’s Grade 3 class embarked on an unforgettable trip  to Mohonk Preserve. Click to read more about what they learned!

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  • Students on a sailboat

    Sailing Onboard the Sloop Clearwater

    Enthusiastic Grade 4 students, under the guidance of teachers Meredith Oppenheimer, Erin Bulson, and Francesca Houston, embarked on an exhilarating sailing adventure aboard the Sloop Clearwater!

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  •  band and choir directors smiling

    Students from Grades 5-8 Attend the New York State School Music Association Solo Festival

    During the last two weekends, David Finch (Lenape Elementary Band Director), Nicole Foti (High School Choir Director), Sam Newsome (High School Band Director), and Sonja Nosovsky (Middle School Band Director) sent 118 students from Grades 5-8 to the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) solo festival. Click to learn more!

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  •  students smiling during assembly

    Arm-of-the-Sea Assembly

    Grade 4 students had a blast with a special show by Arm-of-the-Sea! From mind-blowing science to mesmerizing music and puppetry, they embarked on a journey underground, discovering the magic of plants, the dance of fungi and roots, and the incredible world of soil microbes. 

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  •  students holding letters

    Cross-Grade Connections

    Rachel Fisher and Amy Gogerty’s Grade 5 class at Lenape Elementary have become pen pals with Nicole Schofield's Kindergarten and Grades 1-2 classes at Duzine. Click to read all about it!

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  •  student laying on the ground outside drawing birch trees

    Earth Day Art

    Morgan Profaci's Grade 5 art class celebrated Earth Day in style by taking their creativity outdoors and painting stunning birch trees!

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  •  Students planting seeds

    Grade 3 Class Inspired By Professional Landscaper

    Linda Sinforoso and Joanna Wilcox’s Grade 3 class had a professional landscaper visit and teach the students how to germinate seeds. It was the perfect culminating activity to their plant life cycle unit! The students planted grass and sunflower seeds, and have been enjoying watching them grow more and more everyday.

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  • Parent reading to students

    Poetry Readings for Grade 3 Classes

    We were honored to welcome Zoe White, a gifted poet and proud Lenape parent, to our Grade 3 classes at Lenape Elementary! Our students were captivated by Zoe's beautiful words and inspiring storytelling. Thank you for sharing your talent and enriching our learning environment, Zoe!

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