• Hello Students!
    Welcome to AP Macroeconomics!

    My name is Jim Gill and I am your child’s Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teacher.  An economics course is a graduation requirement.  Taking this AP course will fulfill that requirement as well as provide an opportunity to earn college credit.  AP Macroeconomics, in particular, is uniquely positioned to help students understand the world around them and explore numerous ideas that help shape government policies that impact the lives of individual people and society,

    One common restraint we all face is time.  Everyone faces a scarcity of time.  Therefore, while you are engaging in the job of doing something to perfection, you are not engaging in any other job (or any other pleasure for that matter).  Otherwise stated, every action on your part involves an opportunity cost.  The quest for happiness and life satisfaction involves the use of time and resources, therefore, includes costs and benefits that must be weighed.   By choosing to take AP Macroeconomics your child is making a choice based on costs and benefits which I hope you will be satisfied with. 

         The course is very similar to macroeconomics courses offered at the college level.  This course prepares students for the AP Macroeconomics Examination on May 10, 2024 at 12:00 pm The cost of the exam is $98.  More information regarding how to pay and register  for the exam will be available shortly. Compared to the thousands of dollars this course could cost you in college it seems that you have made a wise economic choice. There will be after school review sessions during the spring semester to help you prepare for the exam.  The exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions and 3 free response questions.  

    Your support is important and appreciated.  If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.  My phone number is 256- 4175 ext. 69522 and my email address is jgill@newpaltz.k12.ny.us .  Together we can provide the support to help your child display their resilience, flexibility and commitment towards a successful school year.



    James E. Gill

    Below is the Course Curriculum and Exam Information


    Course Curriculum- A more comprehensive curriculum map will be posted separately.

    UNIT 1:  Basic Economic Concepts 

    UNIT 2:  Economic Indicators

    UNIT 3:  Fiscal Policy (Government spending and taxing)

    UNIT 4:  TheMonetary System (Banks, The Federal Reserve and monetary policy)

    UNIT 5:  International Economics

    UNIT 6:  Long- Run Economic Growth


    Ray, Margaret and Anderson, David. Krugman’s Economics for AP* 2nd ed. Worth Publishers (New York; 2011)


    Grading Policy

    Tests/Projects/Research Papers 50%

    Quizzes 20%

    Homework/Classwork 30%


    “The ideas of economists, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood.”

    John Meynard Keynes (1936)

     AP Exam Registration Letter: How to Register for the AP Exam

                                                Playlist of Content Lessons from the CollegeBoard

    Helpful Websites
Last Modified on June 17, 2024