Biology Regents
Living Environment Course Description
Instructor: Ms Primus Email: rprimus@newpaltz.k12.ny.us
Voicemail: 256-4000 ext. 69656
Unit 1- The Process of Scientific Inquiry
Lab safety
Laboratory equipment
Students will use mathematical analysis, and scientific inquiry, to answer questions, explore answers, and develop solutions to problems.
Unit 2- Unity and Diversity Among Living Things
Living things are both similar and different from each other and from nonliving things
Life Process
Unit 3-The Cell -structure and function of living things
Cell organization in multicellular organisms
Atoms, molecules
Classification of living things
Unit 4- Unit 4- Immune System
Unit 5- Human Anatomy and Physiology
Human Body Systems and Homeostasis -Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Excretory, Nervous
Unit 6-Taxonomy and Evolution
Unit 7- Ecology
Come to class on time. Be ready for class discussions.
Daily Expectations
Be at team meetings when your class period is to meet
Be ready to learn
Complete work provided on days we are not meeting
As questions during meetings and during office hours
No cell phone use during lesson **Please see cell phone policy & sign and return)
Respect yourself, the teacher & others
Cell Phone Policy:
Place cell phones & electronic devices
· Electronic devices (CD players, iPods, handheld games, mini-TVs or personal DVD players, cell phones, etc..) should be turned off and invisible during the class period.
They will be placed in front of the classroom in a box. If I see or hear your phone it will be taken away:
Given a verbal warning.
Conversation with parent(s)/and, or guardian(s)
Referral to administration
Students may ask permission to use the cell phone in case of an emergency.
*Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior.
Materials needed :
A Pencil, all labs will be done in pencil.
3 ring binder
Box of tissues
Each concept will be followed by a quiz. Each unit will have an exam at the end of it.
Quizzes- 10-25 points
Unit Test- 40-60 points
Homework- 10 points
Assessments continued:
Classwork and class participation- 10 points
Projects- 20- 40 points
Labs: 10 points
In order to be eligible for the Living Environment Regents’ in June, you must have proof of completing 1200 minutes of labs. This works out to be 20 labs. We typically complete 25 labs. Completed labs go into a lab folder that stays in the classroom. LAB FOLDERS DO NOT GO HOME. Lab reports are graded out of 10 points.
The Regents’ exam: I suggest getting a review book at the beginning of the year and using it to review. As long as it is a ‘Living Environment” review and has topic review sections, it’ll work. Most of my exams come from old regents’ exams.
ABSENCES – You're responsible for making up work on days you missed! Online work is due at the end of each week (on Friday by 2:30 p.m.)
We will get through this together! Try your best and don’t hesitate to ask questions!
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I ___________________________________ have read and agree to follow all of the expectations and cell phone policy in this contract. I will follow my teacher’s directions. I am aware that failure to follow these rules may result in a call home to my parent(s)/guardian (s) and that this may result in a failing grade and referral to administration.
Student Signature Date
Dear Parent or Guardian: Your signature indicates that you have read these rules and cell phone policy and have instructed your child to follow these rules and procedures in the Biology classroom
Parent or Guardian Signature Date