• trees

    Welcome to the Outdoor Club!

    Join our Google Classroom for more information! (Class code: akf73t6)

    Permission Slip must be completed by a parent/guardian for students wishing to participate in the NPHS Outdoor Club. The Gravity Vault waiver must be completed by a parent/guardian for students wishing to indoor rock climb. The Rise Outside waiver must be completed by a parent/guardian for students wishing to outdoor rock climb.

    Please note, for our hikes:
    Wear comfy walking shoes, sneakers, or hiking boots. Also, bring a water bottle, a small snack, an extra layer of clothing, and a small backpack. If you usually carry meds (such as an inhaler or epi pen), please be sure to bring them! Meet outside the Gym immediately after school. If your parent has not completed the permission slip for the club for this year, please send them to the attached link. The bus will leave asap after school and will be back at the HS at about 5:00-5:30pm. Sometimes, we will be back in time for the late bus and sometimes we will not.

    Mr. Urrico aurrico@newpaltz.k12.ny.us
    Room 208