Lara Savelson, Duzine Elementary SchoolGrades: Pre-K - Second GradeE-Mail: lsavelson@newpaltz.k12.ny.usCandice Cramer, Lenape Elementary SchoolGrades: Third Grade - Fifth GradeE-Mail: ccramer@newpaltz.k12.ny.usAmy Jett, Duzine and Lenape Elementary SchoolsGrades: Kindergarten - Fifth GradeE-Mail: ajett@newplatz.k12.ny.usJustin Finnegan, Middle School and High School Speech Services and District Wide for Hearing ServicesGrades: Sixth Grade - Eighth Grade (Speech) K-12 (Hearing)E-Mail: jfinnegan@newpaltz.k12.ny.usSpeech and Language Scheduling at Duzine and Lenape Elementary Schools:Students are scheduled individually or in a group, one to six times in an A-F schedule for thirty minutes, based on individual needs. The services are typically provided as a "pull-out", which requires the student to leave their classroom and go to the Speech and Language therapy class. Some students are recommended for a "push-in" service, which requires the Speech and Language teacher to provide services in the student's classroom. Students remain in their classrooms if Speech and Language class is cancelled.Speech and Language Scheduling at the Middle and High Schools:Students are scheduled individually or in a group for 40 minutes based on their individual needs. The Middle and High School follow an "A" or "B" day schedule. At Middle School, speech and language class appears on the student's schedule as a class with a study hall at the same time. Students only attend the study hall if Speech class is cancelled. At High School, students are scheduled for Speech and Language class by their Speech and Language teacher.
Last Modified on October 10, 2023