    What is National Honor Society (NHS)?
    It is a nationwide organization in the United States and consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
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  • What is the criteria to be inducted into the National Honor Society?

    Selection Guidelines                            Updated February, 2025


    Selection to NHS is a privilege bestowed upon students by the faculty of the school, and not considered a right inherent to any student. Technically, students do not apply for membership. Instead, they await a request or invitation to provide information to be used by the faculty council to support their candidacy for membership. Membership is granted to those students selected by the faculty council on the condition of their having met the standards for selection. 


    Standards for Selection

    During the second quarter of the school year, students in 11th and 12th grade, will be assessed by their GPA from the end of the previous school year. All students who have a GPA of at least an 87.5, will receive an invitation to complete a candidate information packet. 


    Based on the information collected, the faculty council of the chapter selects students who demonstrate outstanding performance in community service, leadership, and character.


    Community Service 

    To be selected as a member of the New Paltz Chapter, a candidate must demonstrate on their candidate information form the completion of at least 20 hours of community service. This service must include at least two different opportunities since the start of ninth grade. This information must be verified with a signature from an adult supervising the activity.



    To meet the leadership criterion for NHS, a student must name at least two leadership roles at school or in the community achieved since the ninth grade. More than two roles may be listed, but there must be two verifiable listings to be selected to our chapter. 



    Each student will submit 5 teacher/coach recommendations. To be selected, three of the five teachers must “highly recommend” the student for NHS. In addition none of the teachers can “not recommend” the student.

    The leadership, service, and character of all students will be reviewed carefully by all members of the faculty council. Each member of the faculty council will vote on each candidate. Those candidates receiving a majority vote will be invited to be inducted in the chapter. 

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    What are the requirements once you are a member?

    Accepted students must pay their one-time dues of $25, attend all mandatory meetings, participate in yearly service projects, complete the required amount of service hours (about 2/month), sign up as a peer tutor, and attend the induction ceremony.

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  • Do I have to reapply to NHS each year?

    No, you do not.

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    If I am dimissed can I reapply later?

    No. If you are officially dismissed from NHS (not placed on probation or suspension) you may not reapply.

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    If I dont get accepted as a Junior, can I apply as a Senoir?

    Yes. Students who meet the academic requirment will be contacted and will recieve an application packet.


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    Interested in applying to the National Honor Society?
    You must be a Junior or Senior to apply and your cumulative GPA must be an 87.5 or better. You must have 20 or more hours of varied community service completed. You will receive a letter home if you are eligible to apply to the National Honor Society. An anonymous committee of teachers will review your application and decide if you will be inducted into the New Paltz Chapter of National Honor Society.
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    Is it possible to be dismissed from NHS?

    Yes. A student must be in good standing each year to maintain membership.

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    What can I do as a Freshman or Sophomore to prepare?

    Candidates must have at least 20 hours of community service over their first two years of high school. You MUST have signatures to document this community service, and it must be with an accredited organization (ex. Family of New Paltz, Scouting, Church groups, hospitals, YMCA, etc.). Community service is not the only criteria for admission to NHS!  The selection committee also looks at leadership (elected positions, team/group captains, committee members, etc). Character (teacher recommendations) and of course scholarship (GPA) are of utmost importance.

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    Who can write a teacher recommendation?

    Any teacher or faculity member except a NHS advisor.

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    Please email the A. Russolello  at arussolello@newpaltz.k12.ny.us if you have any other questions. 

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Last Modified on February 20, 2025