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A d v a n c e d
P h o t o g r a p h y
M. Rappleyea 256-4175 x 1454
Areas of study:
- Knowledge of photographic papers, film, supplies and equipment - its not just RC anymore.
- Research and experiment with something new - from liquid emulsion to infrared film. To be shared with the class.
- Advanced camera applications:
close-up, distortion, reflection, digital imaging, multiple exposure, filters, pushing and pulling film etc. See list of Photo explorations.
- Medium format photography:
shooting and printing from a 2 1/4 negative.
V. Darkroom technique and custom printing
a. Improve an existing print with dodging, burning, etc.
b. Creation of a custom print with choice of effect:
Advanced darkroom techniques including multiple printing
and Sabbatier effect.
VI. Studio Lighting: Portraiture and using a flash or strobe
VII. Photographic Illustration: dramatically telling a story on one frame or more with the use of lighting, props, costume etc.
VIII. Professional Photography: making a living...
IX. Creation of a body of work/photographic study
X. Presentation and Exhibition
Quizzes will be given to assess technical knowledge.
Critiques will be conducted to improve observation and articulation skills.
A portfolio will be produced, collected and exhibited.