• Welcome to the Asian Culture Club

    Our next, and final meeting of the school year, is Thursday June 17 at 3:30 in a Google Meet through our classroom. If you cannot access the Asian Culture Club classroom, email me at ssherburne@newpaltz.k12.ny.us for an invitation to join.

    For now we will be holding our meetings in Google Meets.  We meet at 3:30 to allow people who were at school that day to arrive home to have the meeting.  We generally meet every other week, so the next Google Meeting will be posted here.

    The purpose of our club is to learn about the cultures of China, Korea, and Japan.  We have looked at many different things that make up culture: music, anime, food, traditional board games, holidays, traditions, and crafts.   Since we entered the remote world in March fo 2020,  we have been kept our little community together online, both here on our website and with our own Google Classroom.  Different informantion has been shared here - note the different postings down the left side of the homepage.  You'll find posts on holidays, festivals, Springtime activities, Summer activities, sports, places to visit, etc. There are many links for more info including some videos and even language sound bites.

    I have shared a couple interesting weekly TV shows that show more of the real China and Japan, "Journeys in Japan" and "Travelogue China".  If you have Direct TV you can watch China at 11AM on Sundays, followed by Japan at 11:30 on Channel 25, WNYE.  If you don't have Direct TV, or access to these channels, both shows can be found on You Tube!  

    New Paltz has a sister city, Niimi, Japan.  Folks have visited between Niimi and New Paltz for 20+ years.  Back on May 15, 2020 a Zoom meeting was held with folks from both New Paltz and Niimi. After the introductions, there was a discussion about how things were going in the two towns during the pandemic. The recorded meeting can be viewed on You Tube: 


    I will keep updates on the club posted in our Google Classroom. If you haven't joined yet, or find access to the classroom missing at any point, please email me at ssherburne@newpaltz.k12.ny.us.  All are welcome!

    Be well, stay safe everyone! 

    Ogenkide (Oh-gen-key-day, this is Japanese for Be Well) 

    Mrs. S