
    Poetry Club

    Our mission: To bring poetry to the school community, to share poetic reading and writing, and to support the Poetry Out Loud Recitation Contest.

    We meet Thursdays in Room 104A after school. Join us for reading and planning and...SNACKS!



    Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Competition

    WHAT: Poetry Out Loud is a national recitation contest for high school students. Classroom competition leads to a school winner. The school winner participates in regional, then state competitions. The state winners get an expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., in April for the national finals. The prize for the best recitation is a scholarship worth $20,000.

    WHO: Everyone in grades 9-12

    WHERE:  Round One: Audion after school
                       Round Two: Auditorium

    WHEN: Round One: Sometime in mid-November (hoping for Wednesday November 13) Round Two: late December or early January

    WHY: Why not? It’s FUN! It looks great on your resume.

    1. Sign up with Ms. St. John in room 104a (library computer lab).

    2. Choose a poem from the Poetry Out Loud Anthology Online. There are two categories of poems: fewer than 25 lines and pre-20th century. For Round One, everyone will recite a poem of 25 lines or fewer. The five winners go on to Round Two and recite BOTH a poem of fewer than 25 lines AND a pre-20th century poem. The winner and first runner-up go to the Regional Competition at SUNY New Paltz in February.




Last Modified on October 8, 2019