


    HELLO and WELCOME to Rosen's Website!



    Department: English      Grade: 7

    E-mail Address: rrosen@newpaltz.k12.ny.us

    Voicemail: (845)256-4000 ext. 69736

    Main Office: (845)256-4200


    Hello again!

    Thanks for stopping here. Currently, check the Google Classroom for assignments (the "Today, we" section) and other English 7 information. You should feel free to e-mail me; I check throughout the school day and often in the evenings.


    I will be using the Parent Portal and Google Classroom to update complete/incomplete homeworks frequently. Tests, quizzes, and project grades will be updated whenever possible. Please check your/your child's progress and to see if any work is missing.


    More information is available to the left. Some links are of "general" English interest. Others are specific to my class and our units of study.


    Check back for updates and do e-mail me if you have any questions.

    Randi Rosen
    alliteration  ;)








Last Modified on March 6, 2024