Ron ConstableM.S. EducationNYS Coaching Cert.Department:Social Studies
Email Address: rconstable@newpaltz.k12.ny.usVoice Mail: 256-4000 ext. 69706Mr. Constable's website
American History 7th Grade TeacherSCHOOL YEARHere are a few things to keep in mind to help you be successful in the beginning of the school year:1- Always have a positive attitude and try your best2-Get involved with activities that interest you and have fun3- Be respectful to everyone, it usually comes back to you4- Be prepared for class, and ask questions when you need to5-Show determination and never give up tryingMaterials needed to start: pocket folder or binder sectionnotebook or loose leaf paper for binderwriting utensils (pens or pencils)
Last Modified on January 3, 2025