400 Hurdle: 

    4 x 800: Usually combined

    100 dash

    1500 run:     Combined if coaches agree

    400 run

    4 x 100 relay

    100/110  HighHurdles

    800 run

    200 dash

    3000/3200 run: usually combined

    4 x 400 relay

    ShotPut:  Boys start-Girls follow

    Discus:  Girls start-Boys follow

    LongJump:  usually open pit 45 min to hour…  followed by

    TripleJump:  usually open pit 45 minutes to hour

    PoleVault: Obtain an opening height the up 6” to finish

    HighJump:  Boys first:  open at 4-6, 4-9, 5-0, 5-3 then 2”

                       Girls follow:  3-6,3-9,4-0, 4-3 then 2”
                      Who goes first varies-not set in stone.


Last Modified on March 12, 2015