•   Please have your parents read this, and as the athlete, you must understand this.

    1.  Parents/adults picking up students- you must come and find one of the coaches and sigh out your child if you are taking them from any away meet.  If you are picking up your child from practice off campus- we need to see you there before the bus leaves.  We can't leave your child there knowing you are coming.  They will have to ride the bus back to school if you are not there in time.  Thanks
     2.  You must ride the bus to and from any meet unless the following occurs;
          a.  You have a signed note from a parent stating you may ride home with another parent/adult.  This note must be brought in at least a day before the meet to the athletic office.  Mr. Warren will be calling your parent to confirm the note. If another parent/guardian/sibling comes to us at the meet and asks to take you home-you may not go...calling them from the meet for permission will not work either.
       b.  What we suggested is that your parent write one note for the season stating all the people you may ride home with.  An example may be;  Ann Gregory has my permission to ride home from or to any meet for the 2018-19 Nordic season with the following people..........   sign and date the note.
       c.  If you want to write a note for each meet that is allowable.
    2.  Please try to wash the uniforms in cold water (the colors run) and try to dry them by air or a low heat dryer.
Last Modified on October 28, 2018