Contact Us
Voice: 845-256-4000 Fax: 845-256-4009District Office: 1 Eugene L. Brown Drive, New Paltz, NY 12561
Mailing Address: 196 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561**EMAIL ADDRESSES: email + @newpaltz.k12.ny.us**Superintendent
Stephen Gratto
Phone: 256-4020
Fax: 256-4025Email: sgrattoBoard of Education**
Phone: 256-4020
Fax: 256-4025
Email: boeDistrict ClerkSandra Ermo
Phone: 256-4020
Fax: 256-4025
Email: sermoEducational Programs OfficeDeputy Superintendent
Dr. Linda Oehler-Marx
Phone: 256-4030
Fax: 256-4027Email: loehlermarxElizabeth Doolan-Administrative Assistant for Educational ProgramsEmail: edoolanPupil Personnel Services andSpecial EducationDirector: Mellisa Thomas
Phone: 256-4040Fax: 256-4024
Email: mthomas
Special Education Pre K - 5
Coordinator: Kathleen ClarkPhone: 256-4047
Fax: 256-4024
Email: kmclarkSpecial Education 6 - 12
Coordinator: Tara Lamonica
Phone: 256-4041
Fax: 256-4024
Email: tlamonica
Business OfficeSchool Business AdministratorDebra Kosinski
Phone: 256-4010
Fax: 256-4009Email: dkosinskiTax Collection/Accounts Payable
Tina Long
Phone: 256-4010
Fax: 256-4009
Email: tlongTreasurer
Yancy So
Phone: 256-4015
Fax: 256-4009
Email: yso
Employee Benefits/Student Accident
Melinda Ottavan
Phone: 256-4010
Fax: 256-4009
Email: mottavanPayroll/Employee Attendance
Kimberly Brill
Phone: 256-4014
Fax: 256-4009
Email: kbrillWeather/Emergency Closing Info
Phone: 256-4099Teacher Voice Mail
Phone: 256-4000Enter voice mailbox number or 0 to dial by last name.
New Paltz Central High School
Principal: Samuelle Simms
Phone: 256-4100
Fax: 256-4109Email: ssimmsNew Paltz Middle School
Principal: Ross Hogan
Phone: 256-4200
Fax: 256-4209Email: rhogan
Lenape Elementary School
Principal: Sean IngleePhone: 256-4300
Fax: 256-4309Email: singleeDuzine Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Melissa Jean-Paul
Phone: 256-4350
Fax: 256-4359Email: mjeanpaulPhysical Education, Health,
Athletics, and School Health Services
Director: Gregory Warren
Phone: 256-4151
Email: AthleticsSports Hotline: 256-4045Mrs. Jenna Manning - Athletic SecretaryEmail: jmanningFood Services
Director: Sheila Moran
Phone: 256-4050
Fax: 256-4283Email: FoodServicesHigh School: Katrina SiplePhone: 845-256-4117Email: ksipleMiddle School: Michael HoysradtPhone: 845-256-4217Email: mhoysradtLenape Elementary: Rosemarie ZaccariaPhone: 845-256-4322Email: rzaccariaDuzine Elementary: Meryl BrownPhone: 845-256-4371Email: mebrownFacilities and OperationsDirector: Michael Logue
Phone: 256-4090
Fax: 256-4089
Email: mlogueFacilities Department:Email: facdeptFacilities Use Request:
Email: FacilitiesRequestTransportation / Bus Garage
Director: Maureen RyanPhone: 256-4070
Fax: 256-4079
Email: TransportationTechnology DepartmentDirector: Keith BaisleyPhone: 256-4066Email: kbaisleyData Specialist
Cheri PettusPhone: 256-4060
Email: cpettus** Please note:
Emails sent to the BOE will be received by the full Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools. Matters that are operational in nature and do not fall under the four main areas of Board Responsibility (see Board Overview) will be responded to by the Superintendent of Schools.
Last Modified Yesterday at 3:07 PM