• Special Education/Pupil Personnel Services

    The Special Education and the Pupil Personnel Services department is located at the District Office at Lenape Elementary School.

Director of  Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education

  • Mellisa Thomas 
    Jaclyn Tiano, Administrative Assistant and Central Registrar
    FAX 845-256-4024

Special Education Coordinator, Grades PreK-5

Special Education Coordinator, Grades 6-12

  • For Parents
  • Commonly Used Acronyms
  • Winter Advsory-CSE/CPSE Meetings
  • McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
  • For Teachers Teacher website sign in required
  • For Staff
  • View our most recent New York State Special Education Data Profile (2020-2021)
    It is our hope to build supportive, collaborative relationships with parents, educators and community members to support all students in their learning.
Last Modified on July 1, 2024